Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday, December 13, 2012

HAIIIII look at my blog icy! :D Its cool :)

Monday, July 30, 2012


So far all I have found is a small bush. It appears to be a hibiscus. As I climbed the hibiscus bush, I blacked out as something hard hit me in the head. The last thing I remember, is hearing an odd mumbling and buzzing. I managed to open one eye a little. All I could see was a bunch of small ovals with tentacles, with one big tentacle thing in the middle. They were all black, with one big white eye smack in the middle of its head. I was so terrified, I blacked out again.

I have proof


Hi do you have a google+? If you do then we can chat there instead of aj where they don't let us type in some stuff like "blog" and "google" lol

Click here to go to my Google+ and you can add me to your circles so we can chat.
Post the next assignment in the comments please!